Prediction: Potential financial reset occurring in March 2018

I have personally studying the possibility of a financial reset for years now.

When the financial reset occurs, we may see the following happening in the same week.

– rapid crash of the stock market and its subsequent shutdown

– freezing of bank account and shutdown of ATMs

– devaluation of FIAT currencies, starting with the US dollar

– introduction of the new financial system backed by Gold

– mass arrests, complete neutralization of the negative forces on Planet Earth

– release of the suppressed technologies

– complete disclosure of the ET truth

One can refer to the post made by Cobra back in April 2012 entitled New Financial System .

Regardless of whether we would see the non financial aspects being realized at the same time as the financial aspects, I would like to focus on the pure financial aspects here and suggest some kind of predictions of what could be occurring in March of this year, 2018, based  on several sources.

In this video interview by TimeMonkRadioNetwork of Cliff High published in November 2017, Cliff High states that during the the time window starting from mid February to mid March 2018, we are likely to see a confluence of events, political and financial, that would make a lot more people get into crypto-currencies, making the crypto users shift from the innovators layer, the 3% of the population to the early adopters, the 10~13% of the population. Also, Cliff High describes a very intense week, that would be the trigger for a second Revolution for the US population, which would be using cryptos and not weapons. We can speculate that it will coincide with some level of financial unrest.

In this video interview by studio9jam of Simon Parkes published on 21JAN18, Simon Parkes tells us that credible sources told him that the Rothschilds would be planning to pull the plug on the Dow Jones when it reaches 30,000 points, causing a huge financial turmoil in the stock markets.

It appears that Simon Parkes is using the same source as Benjamin Fulford in this post. Let me quote directly from the post the interesting part.

However, it is clear that any “victory lap” would be highly premature.  Both CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March…

…“is the beginning of the great financial unwind.”

The CIA source explained as follows:  “The Dow Jones will most likely reach 30,000 by mid-March.  This is the number needed to have totally drained all the remaining liquid assets of the people.  An EVENT will occur, the plug will be pulled, and the collapse will be put in motion.  This will be the ripple that turns into a global tsunami… this is their current plan.”  The source added, “What comes after the plug is pulled sometime in March is that the gold-backed currency in which Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are involved together will come online.”

As you can see, some kind of financial event could be planned by the powers that be in March 2018.

Finally, in this post, Cobra mentions that the clearing operation of the negative forces on planet Earth by positive ET groups, called Mjolnir, is expected to be completed in early March 2018. As it is described in this post from Cobra, operation Mjolnir is basically an ultimatum given to the Cabal to surrender or to be destroyed. To me, it looks like it corresponds to one of the aspects of the Event, the mass arrests part. We can speculate that, at the same time the Cabal is being neutralized, we will see some kind of financial reset.

To conclude we have 4 different sources, Cobra, Benjamin Fulford, Simon Parkes and Cliff High, talking about some kind of very important event unfolding in March 2018, entailing some kind of very important financial system change.

I feel that we are likely to be seeing some kind of eventful week in March 2018, implying some kind of financial shock (stocks market crash for example) that will be the trigger for a massive inflow of money intro crypto-currencies on the one hand, and for the introduction of new gold-back financial system on the other hand. At the same time, I hope we would not be looking at a massive crash of the world economies because it would be catastrophic for societies and this is not what I am feeling we would bee seeing anyway.

However I think we will be seeing more and more some kind of hyperinflation of FIAT currencies unfolding relatively to crypto-currencies and precious metals, which will be expressed not as an unacceptable increase of commodities compared to wages, but as a huge increase of crypto assets’ prices, that will be triggered spectacularly in March 2018 and that will continue during the rest of 2018 and beyond.

Fulford post: Benjamin Fulford — December 11th 2017: Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California

Original link:

Fascinating parts:

– “The latest comes from sources at the Pentagon who say that “While many equate rocket man=fat boy, the real rocket man is Elon Musk of SpaceX, which was funded by [former president Barack] Obama to arm North Korea.” It is no wonder the Israeli Mossad-connected information/disinformation site DEBKA bragged every time the Khazarian North Korean proxy set off a missile or nuclear weapon.”

– “All of these moves seem to fly in the face of Trump’s recognition last week of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has led many people around the world to think Trump was a Zionist agent after all. However, Pentagon sources say it was “a calculated move to incite global hatred for Israel in order to take down the Khazarian cabal.” The sources point out that the U.S. still refuses to recognize the city of Jerusalem on passports, maps, and official documents.”

– “The P2 Freemason Lodge, which controls the Vatican, is clearly up to something big for sure. When I visited their headquarters, they told me they planned their big social engineering events around the movements of celestial bodies. On that front, we are in the midst of a cycle of three supermoons. The first was December 3rd. The next two are January 1st and 31st. The one on January 31st will be a supermoon, a blue moon, and will also feature a lunar eclipse. This is also the U.S. government’s tax payments deadline date.”

– “This may be a bubble, but bubbles can go up many times over before they pop. Even if/when the bubble pops, in the long run, blockchains definitely do represent a technical improvement it is likely replace much of the current financial architecture. It’s also interesting to note that countries that have physical gold, like Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are against Bitcoin. Those that do not, such as Japan and the U.S., are rushing into it. While you cannot eat Bitcoin, you can’t eat gold, either.”

– “…the ultimate currency is life itself.”

Benjamin Fulford: December 11, 2017


My comments:

– There is a huge purge going on right now, of the deep state in the US.

– The trillions of dollars of the Department of Defense (US) will be soon directed to projects that would usher Humanity into a new Age, I am feeling, because the department is being audited.

– There are people against Bitcoin and people for it within the Alliance, apparently. For example, Russia and China are against Bitcoin (though they are for the blockchain tech) whereas Japan and the US are for Bitcoin. The reason for that, according to Benjamin Fulford, is that the former has gold, whereas the latter does not. Ultimately the White Dragon Society is telling that the 2 groups would have to collaborate because neither gold or Bitcoin can be eatable, for establishing and maintaining the new financial system.

– The only true currency is LIFE.