Original source: http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/02/cryptocurrency-the-global-renaissance.html
My comments
– Cryptos re-empower Humanity by giving them back the power to print their own money and by this process they remove the shackles of the FIAT money debt system.
– In that sense, they foster Humanity’s enlightenment and ascension by giving back to each individual the deserved abundance.
– With cryptos, Humans can focus on building meaningful, fair networks that will create many useful services and products for many, instead of focusing on making money and perpetuating the pyramidal paradigm that benefits only the top. Now we have the ability to benefit each and every individual.
– Crypto-currencies and blockchain are a crucial tool for accelerating one’s own ascension. Concretely speaking, with cryptos you can get 100~1000 x returns on your initial investment. By doing so, one may create very rapidly sufficient wealth to become financially free and focus on one’s true purpose on Earth.
– Cryptos redefine the concept of money. Instead of trusting the authority to give value to the instrument you use as a means of exchange, you empower each node of the community by letting each node decide. In this sense, cryptos redefine money as a community-enabled system of transferring value and exchanging value: that is the core of the revolution brought to you by the blockchain and cryptos.
– In that sense, the terms of crypto enlightenment and crypto sutra are very interesting and right on the money, non pun intended.