Financial reset looming in 2018 and cryptos

– It seems that 2018 will be the year of a long awaited financial reset with a lot of turbulences involved. Better to fasten your fasten your seat belt, preparing some cash, investing a bit in crypto-currencies or gold/silver to hedge a significant FIAT money devaluation.

A video entitled “Something HUGE Is About To Go Down – Trump Executive Order, Bitcoin Madness & CEO Resignations” is basically saying the same thing.

– Very recently, Donald Trump signed an executive order that freezes the assets owned by the human right abusers (read Satanists or Cabal). At the same time, he declared a national emergency to the US Congress. To me this is huge. This is as if he was preparing the populations to an upcoming announcement of mass arrests by revealing the names of the people on the list of unsealed indictments.

– At the same time, the soft disclosure is getting strongger stronger with the recent announcement of a mysterious asteroid discovery and the recent disclosure of a UFO investigation program by the US government.

– A few days ago, we saw a huge crash of the Bitcoin price. Apparently the nations are warning of an overheating  of the bitcoin price, as if they were trying to say that people should not invest in it and trying to manipulate its price. At the same time they are trying to warn us about a threat from North Korea trying to hack South Korea via bitcoin.

– As you may already know, North Korea is a proxy for the Cabal. So it is possible that the Cabal is using North Korea to try to crash Bitcoin in order to take control over it.

– In any case, I believe we are converging to the financial reset described by Cobra in one of his first posts in April 2012 where he describes the FIAT revaluation as follows:

Revaluation (RV)

After about 1 week from the Event

There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.

New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets. Basket of currencies such as US dollar, Euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan will form the basis of this new system.

– I believe it is fairly possible that we will see that reset happening in 2018.

– Obviously, Cobra forgot to mention bitcoin and crypto-currencies but I noticed he mentioned it recently in his posts and interviews. I think he represents a group that is rather keeping its distance with cryptos and preferring Gold but thanks to Benjamin Fulford, we know that there are 2 factions within the Alliance: one group is for cryptos, one group is for Gold and these two groups need to collaborate to create the new financial system. We shall see!

Creating Crypto Currency! Shocking NSA Paper From 1996 Describes Creating Blockchain and Bitcoin

My comments:

– Pete Peterson apparently leaked to David Wilcock that Bitcoin was created by the good guys in the NSA in order to give to Humanity an alternative to the FED when it crumbles down, in other words, when FIAT money either crashes or undergoes a serious hyperinflation, which I feel is likely to occur within the first half of 2018, based on the predictions of Cliff High.

– That confirms the thesis of this video.




The Dollar Vigilante video: The Globalist Plan To Blame Bitcoin For Biblical Level Collapse In 2018

My comments:

– Apparently the powers that be plan to make bitcoin rise up to 60k USD ~100k USD in 2018 and then make it collapse to introduce their own state-based crypto-currencies and make it impossible for decentralized crypto-currencies to coexist with them. I think it could well be their plan but I think they will fail.

– As I pointed out in my previous here, the powers that be have the ability to create reality as we Humans can do, but they use black magic for that whereas positive forces use White magic.

– Crypto-currencies have been been chosen as the coming scapegoat for the incoming FIAT collapse in 2018.

– I think also that in 2018 we will see crypto-currencies go parabolic before going astronomical in 2019 and we will see also a collapse of all markets: bonds, stocks and real estate. That is why we need to get prepared. But as the markets crash, we will see also the complete neutralization of the negative forces and the disclosure of awesome technologies that will propel Humanity into a Galactic age. So what we will be reaping will be worth the bumpy road ahead.

– According to Cliff High’s predictions in his monthly reports, the FIAT crash could occur as soon as the end of March 2018. I now think his predictions are too conservative. I see more like end of February or end of January 2018. We shall see.



My comments:

– Regarding one’s own opinion about crypto-currencies, there are 2 categories of people among the alternative media communities.

– There are those than think that crypto-currencies can change the world for the better in the big way, helping Humanity get rid of the debt-money system. Those ones (I am part of them) see in crypto-currencies and blockchain technology (symbolized by Bitcoin) a game changer, the ability to bypass completely the FIAT money system. This is where it is truly revolutionary. Because a lot of people have been wanting to use an alternative to FIAT while the situation was that it very difficult (almost impossible) to do so until the birth of Bitcoin at the end of 2008.

– And there are those that think that crypto-currencies are yet another attempt by the cabal (the powers that be) to take over a technology and strengthen their control over the population. For that reason, crypto-currencies should be avoided completely.

– There is no doubt in my mind that the governments will very soon issue their own blockchain-based national currencies (in fact Venezuela has already started to do so) . By doing so, they will try to perform a reset of their broken FIAT, debt-based money system and they will shift to a new type of ledger, in which people will transact in the same national currencies units but this time it will be cryptography-based instead of being paper-based.

– Those national crypto-currencies are likely to be centralized. This is not a problem per se because Humanity will have at at its disposal a zoology of crypto-currencies that will be decentralized and therefore they will be immune to centralized control by negative forces.

– Any tool or technology is a double-edge sword and bitcoin (read crypto-currencies and blockchain) is no exception. It is like having a smartphone with Facebook on it. Such set up is a wonderful way to dispatch information to one another while at the same time it is a powerful tool from the government to spy on us.

– I get that. However I feel that Humanity should focus much more on the freedom blockchain gives to itself instead of just fearing it.

– On a side note, very interestingly, as mentioned in the video, the cover of one of the Economist issues in 1988 predicted the introduction of a new world currency, the phoenix in 2018 (let me put the link to the cover: ). That is very interesting for 3 reasons:

– The powers that be are psychic and can predict the future to a certain extent (as the positive groups can do, using white magic, by the way). It seems that 2018 is going to be the year of Liberation of the Humanity, liberation from its enslavement by the Babylonian debt money system. So the cabal has predicted apparently correctly the year of the big change in terms of financial system but of course they wanted more control via a one world currency, which is not going to happen.

– It is interesting to note (as the video pointed out) that the symbol for this one world currency is a Greek letter, “φ”, which can be represented by a vertical bar inside a circle as you can see here: . There, you can indeed see a 1 inside a 0, which could be interpreted as the binary system that forms the basis of computation, which could be a reference to cryptography in the blockchain.

– Also, “φ” is also the notation for the Golden ratio, the golden entity that is at the basis of Nature’s beauty. To me it is a sign that 2018 will mark the time in which we will see concrete and undeniable manifestation of the Golden Age, which has been prophecized for many many thousands of years now and which began at the end of the Mayan Calendar on 21DEC12…., and interestingly enough, the word “prophecy” contains at its middle the sound “phi”….. 🙂

– Finally, if you input “prime number symbol” inside Google, you get in the images search results, the symbol “phi” on the first line. Interestingly enough, I have been following primecoin since 2013 and though the price has not taken off, I see a lot of potential in it.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor.

Fulford post: Benjamin Fulford — December 11th 2017: Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California

Original link:

Fascinating parts:

– “The latest comes from sources at the Pentagon who say that “While many equate rocket man=fat boy, the real rocket man is Elon Musk of SpaceX, which was funded by [former president Barack] Obama to arm North Korea.” It is no wonder the Israeli Mossad-connected information/disinformation site DEBKA bragged every time the Khazarian North Korean proxy set off a missile or nuclear weapon.”

– “All of these moves seem to fly in the face of Trump’s recognition last week of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has led many people around the world to think Trump was a Zionist agent after all. However, Pentagon sources say it was “a calculated move to incite global hatred for Israel in order to take down the Khazarian cabal.” The sources point out that the U.S. still refuses to recognize the city of Jerusalem on passports, maps, and official documents.”

– “The P2 Freemason Lodge, which controls the Vatican, is clearly up to something big for sure. When I visited their headquarters, they told me they planned their big social engineering events around the movements of celestial bodies. On that front, we are in the midst of a cycle of three supermoons. The first was December 3rd. The next two are January 1st and 31st. The one on January 31st will be a supermoon, a blue moon, and will also feature a lunar eclipse. This is also the U.S. government’s tax payments deadline date.”

– “This may be a bubble, but bubbles can go up many times over before they pop. Even if/when the bubble pops, in the long run, blockchains definitely do represent a technical improvement it is likely replace much of the current financial architecture. It’s also interesting to note that countries that have physical gold, like Russia, China, India, and Indonesia are against Bitcoin. Those that do not, such as Japan and the U.S., are rushing into it. While you cannot eat Bitcoin, you can’t eat gold, either.”

– “…the ultimate currency is life itself.”

Benjamin Fulford: December 11, 2017


My comments:

– There is a huge purge going on right now, of the deep state in the US.

– The trillions of dollars of the Department of Defense (US) will be soon directed to projects that would usher Humanity into a new Age, I am feeling, because the department is being audited.

– There are people against Bitcoin and people for it within the Alliance, apparently. For example, Russia and China are against Bitcoin (though they are for the blockchain tech) whereas Japan and the US are for Bitcoin. The reason for that, according to Benjamin Fulford, is that the former has gold, whereas the latter does not. Ultimately the White Dragon Society is telling that the 2 groups would have to collaborate because neither gold or Bitcoin can be eatable, for establishing and maintaining the new financial system.

– The only true currency is LIFE.

ZeroHedge post: “Bitcoin’s ‘Message’ & Tax Reform’s ‘Hidden Agenda'”

Original link:


My comments:

– It seems that banks are starting to jump ships from FIAT to bitcoins (read: cryptos), big time. This is compatible with the idea that FIAT is losing its value rapidly.

– Crypto-currencies do not have value per se compared to rare metals. That is why we must be careful at not relying too much on them. This is why the BRICS are accumulating gold, not bitcoins it seems. However crypto-currencies can help Humanity tremendously in making the transition from a money-based system to a non-money-based system, I believe.

– We will soon see a massive financial crisis/meltdown of the FIAT money system which will cause some disruption but we will shift very quickly to a much sounder system, one based on gold and cryptos.

– Relying on pensions that use funds that give a few percents of annual interest per year for when you retire in the future is illusory now because the current FIAT system must use negative interests in order to sustain itself.

– Bitcoin’s proof of work system is very wasteful. In the end, it will be spending too much energy for the work it performs though I think it will still be useful. There should be other much more efficient systems in terms of energy consumption. Litecoin will face the same issue at the end. This kind of issue is being solved by the Proof of Stake consensus, which uses the stake that the node owns inside the network to secure it although some adjustment have to be made in order to make it properly. Some examples of Proof of Stake assets that are very promising: Peercoin, Tezos, EOS, NEO, Bitshares, Ethereum (from June 2018 it seems), NEM, NuShares, PoSW, PIVX, Stealthcoin, ARK, Teslacoin, and many others.

Proof of Stake will co-exist with Proof of Work in 2018 with the same importance I believe.

Bitcoin cash ‘CEO’: We won’t need banks anymore

My comments:

1- I do not agree on the fact that bitcoin and crypto-currencies will make the hackers and geeks and the nerds the new kings of societies since in that case we would just replace plutocracy (bankers) by technocracy (geeks), which would not change in substance the idea that societies are controlled by a handful of folks, which is contradictory with the promises of the Golden Age that predicts the liberation of everybody controlled by nobody.

2- I agree that cryptos are changing radically the world we live in by performing a vast amount of wealth transfer from the cartels to the masses. However this is merely a necessary step before we see a world with no money needed at all, since everything will be provided by awesome technologies such as replicators, teleportation, telepathy, space travel, healing technologies, rejuvenation, nano-technologies, where abundance and limitless resources are the norms. Of course, in order to reach that state, societies need to go through a huge consciousness transformation and cryptos can help a lot by making work-for-money unnecessary for lots of people that would have much more time thinking about the true nature of the World…

SITS: BRICS, Bitcoin and Gold: Resetting the Global Financial System

This post resonates a lot with my own thinking.

I have mentioned below the highlights from my perspective.


“Greek philosopher Socrates once said “the secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” This is exactly what the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and what Bitcoin are in the process of doing. While each model is different in their methods, such as the BRICS using gold, silver and metals, and Bitcoin using technology, they both share the same end-game: to transform and reset the global financial system. Though the international banking cartel has been and will continue to do all they can to fight the BRICS and Bitcoin models, these models needn’t fight back.”


“What is worth pointing out is that with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, people are choosing to opt out of the current global financial system. In droves, people are aligning with the principle of the Socrates quote above: they are choosing not to fight the current system, but instead are choosing to build something new. In essence, this is extremely unnerving in the banking cartel’s eyes because now there is an alternative that people can simply choose to be involved with instead of fighting to break free from. In theory, there needn’t be another protest against the big banks as the power has now been given back to the people to simply opt out and join the creation of a new, decentralized system where each person is his or her own banker. This doesn’t sit well with the banking cartel.”


“Though Bitcoin is not the final solution, it is absolutely playing it’s part right now in our world. That is what is important to keep in mind. In any evolving system, there are always stages at which certain parts or functions of that system are no longer needed and are replaced by more useful and more efficient parts.

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are playing their role in helping to shift and reset the global financial system. Perhaps the most important aspect of cryptocurrencies in relation to money is that it is allowing more people by the day to question and understand what money really is, what the purpose of banks really are, and if we want to continue to use middlemen any longer. It is allowing people to question the systems we’ve been taught and encouraging people to find creative solutions to old, inefficient and corrupt systems. ”


Bitcoin and the gold-backed system the BRICS are each are serving their purposes of resetting the global financial system. Neither will be the ultimate savior. Though they are each helping to free us from the financial tyranny we’ve been under for a very, very long time. The revolution is gaining a lot of speed and large, visible and positive events are on the horizon for our world.