Mass arrests in the US are very close, it seems.
About the US debt ceiling reaching its deadline tomorrow
Tomorrow is the US debt ceiling deadline…
The US government will have until mid jan 2018 to find a new funding in order to stay afloat…since they will not, USD will need to be reset..and will lose half of its value after a necessary devaluation.
That is why Trump went to Asia recently to talk about the new financial system backed by the Asian gold…Huge opportunity for the world. Huge opportunity for the US to get rid of their debt-based financial system that is plaguing their society and regain its manufacturing power.
And huge opportunity for cryptos to reach the masses!
12.6 – D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires
Are the Washington D.C raids for real?
Real Estate, Stocks & Bonds Will Implode in 2018 – Lynette Zang
Huge financial crisis coming up in 2018 it seems but the good news that it will reset the system for the better.
Clif High On Bitcoin, AI and the Future of Cryptocurrency
People are exiting FIAT/stocks to cryptos and precious metals.
First post
I think Humanity is on the verge of a truly amazing uplifting transformative evolution. Cryptos are redefining the way we organize ourselves, amazing advanced technologies coming from advanced (ET) civilizations will be gradually released, generalized everlasting peace on Earth will be restored, alleviation of poverty, new understanding of the true nature of consciousness and its connection to the divine Universe will be unleashed.
The only condition: to face the Truth.
That is why I have decided to create this blog. To dispatch information that I thought is important from my perspective in order to accelerate Humanity entering the Golden Age.