ZeroHedge post: “Bitcoin’s ‘Message’ & Tax Reform’s ‘Hidden Agenda'”

Original link:


My comments:

– It seems that banks are starting to jump ships from FIAT to bitcoins (read: cryptos), big time. This is compatible with the idea that FIAT is losing its value rapidly.

– Crypto-currencies do not have value per se compared to rare metals. That is why we must be careful at not relying too much on them. This is why the BRICS are accumulating gold, not bitcoins it seems. However crypto-currencies can help Humanity tremendously in making the transition from a money-based system to a non-money-based system, I believe.

– We will soon see a massive financial crisis/meltdown of the FIAT money system which will cause some disruption but we will shift very quickly to a much sounder system, one based on gold and cryptos.

– Relying on pensions that use funds that give a few percents of annual interest per year for when you retire in the future is illusory now because the current FIAT system must use negative interests in order to sustain itself.

– Bitcoin’s proof of work system is very wasteful. In the end, it will be spending too much energy for the work it performs though I think it will still be useful. There should be other much more efficient systems in terms of energy consumption. Litecoin will face the same issue at the end. This kind of issue is being solved by the Proof of Stake consensus, which uses the stake that the node owns inside the network to secure it although some adjustment have to be made in order to make it properly. Some examples of Proof of Stake assets that are very promising: Peercoin, Tezos, EOS, NEO, Bitshares, Ethereum (from June 2018 it seems), NEM, NuShares, PoSW, PIVX, Stealthcoin, ARK, Teslacoin, and many others.

Proof of Stake will co-exist with Proof of Work in 2018 with the same importance I believe.

STIS post (Terese Yanaros): NEWS: Official Threatens Pedogate Disclosure, David Wilcock Meets Mega Anon – December 10, 2017

Original link:

My comments:

– I feel also we will see a massive disclosure of upsetting but necessary information that will anger the people but at the same time it will accelerate their ascension. I believe this massive information leak will at the same time increase massively the distrust of people towards governments and their departure from using FIAT money to using crypto-currencies.

The following quote from the latest David Wilcock’s update (facebook) (12DEC17) is of particular importance, I am feeling:

“Some of the next wave of things we will see will be very, very revealing and upsetting.

This is all part of the great cleansing we have to go through, so I feel we should all embrace these changes.

Thanks again for your concern. The winds have finally stopped being a constant noise nuisance and I will be able to sleep without feeling the room shaking tonight!”

Video: (Teresa Yanaros)

Bitcoin cash ‘CEO’: We won’t need banks anymore

My comments:

1- I do not agree on the fact that bitcoin and crypto-currencies will make the hackers and geeks and the nerds the new kings of societies since in that case we would just replace plutocracy (bankers) by technocracy (geeks), which would not change in substance the idea that societies are controlled by a handful of folks, which is contradictory with the promises of the Golden Age that predicts the liberation of everybody controlled by nobody.

2- I agree that cryptos are changing radically the world we live in by performing a vast amount of wealth transfer from the cartels to the masses. However this is merely a necessary step before we see a world with no money needed at all, since everything will be provided by awesome technologies such as replicators, teleportation, telepathy, space travel, healing technologies, rejuvenation, nano-technologies, where abundance and limitless resources are the norms. Of course, in order to reach that state, societies need to go through a huge consciousness transformation and cryptos can help a lot by making work-for-money unnecessary for lots of people that would have much more time thinking about the true nature of the World…

SITS: BRICS, Bitcoin and Gold: Resetting the Global Financial System

This post resonates a lot with my own thinking.

I have mentioned below the highlights from my perspective.


“Greek philosopher Socrates once said “the secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” This is exactly what the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and what Bitcoin are in the process of doing. While each model is different in their methods, such as the BRICS using gold, silver and metals, and Bitcoin using technology, they both share the same end-game: to transform and reset the global financial system. Though the international banking cartel has been and will continue to do all they can to fight the BRICS and Bitcoin models, these models needn’t fight back.”


“What is worth pointing out is that with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, people are choosing to opt out of the current global financial system. In droves, people are aligning with the principle of the Socrates quote above: they are choosing not to fight the current system, but instead are choosing to build something new. In essence, this is extremely unnerving in the banking cartel’s eyes because now there is an alternative that people can simply choose to be involved with instead of fighting to break free from. In theory, there needn’t be another protest against the big banks as the power has now been given back to the people to simply opt out and join the creation of a new, decentralized system where each person is his or her own banker. This doesn’t sit well with the banking cartel.”


“Though Bitcoin is not the final solution, it is absolutely playing it’s part right now in our world. That is what is important to keep in mind. In any evolving system, there are always stages at which certain parts or functions of that system are no longer needed and are replaced by more useful and more efficient parts.

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are playing their role in helping to shift and reset the global financial system. Perhaps the most important aspect of cryptocurrencies in relation to money is that it is allowing more people by the day to question and understand what money really is, what the purpose of banks really are, and if we want to continue to use middlemen any longer. It is allowing people to question the systems we’ve been taught and encouraging people to find creative solutions to old, inefficient and corrupt systems. ”


Bitcoin and the gold-backed system the BRICS are each are serving their purposes of resetting the global financial system. Neither will be the ultimate savior. Though they are each helping to free us from the financial tyranny we’ve been under for a very, very long time. The revolution is gaining a lot of speed and large, visible and positive events are on the horizon for our world.



Divine Frequency: Alien Origins: Legend of the Bull’s Eye, Aldebaran

Comment: Above so below.

Consciousness create archetypes that are then reflected back into the structure of the universe which then sends us back symbols.

Maria Orsitsch of the Vril Society got contacted by some beings allegedly from the Aldebaran star at the beginning of the 20th century. According to some claims Aldebaran was later visited by the Nazis in 30s….

PS: I love the positive feminine energy emanating from Teresa Yanaros, the host of Divine Frequency .

Destroying the Illusion: 12.8 – End of Q?/PENTAGON AUDIT!/Sex Scandals/INFOWARS WAR ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT

Comment: It seems that we will see disclosure of where the money that nobody can account for publicly goes missing from the US government early next year….Would be the disclosure of the funding that the special space programs have been receiving over the last few decades since the end of WW2? We will see.

Webbot, Clif High – Gold or Bitcoin? You Decide!



My summary from my perspective.


There are various types of ETs out there, some of them are less psychic than Humans and they do not want to mess around with Humans; some of them are more psychic than Humans. Among the more psychic, there are ETs who are neutral to us and who are coming to Earth very frequently in order to assist Humanity in its Ascension process, which is happening right now.

Cryptos will have an astronomical value in 2019 like 1 usd used to buy 1 week of good life in Italy in the 60s….

There will be some sort of crypto tax tokens to pay for the taxes in the near future.

In 2018 we will see a good portion of the population going into cryptos, shifting from the innovators (1~3%) to the early adopters (5~15%) .

In 2019 we will see a massive influx of the masses going to cryptos.

At the same time, governments will break down.

Bitcoin will not be big enough to suck in all the debt money rushing into it, which could amount to quadrillions of dollars (derivatives for example…but Bitcoin will remain the gold standard for cryptos.).

At the same time, there will be the pilling on from other cryptos to suck in all those quadrillions….